Joe DeRosa
Aunt Mary Pat

Aunt Mary Pat

Your girl Aunt Mary P, grew up in the 60's round the Delco area. Born and raised hun, and let me tell you... I support my Philadelphia Iggles, drink my friggin' Delco beer, and I ain't go nowhere without my smokes and my cokes okay hun'???? Comedian Troy Hendrickson of Wilmington has made quite a name for himself. Strangely, though, that name is “Aunt Mary Pat DiSabatino.” The character started as a loving yet hilarious tribute to his mother, Susan. Hendrickson drummed up the idea when he called her after the Eagles won the Super Bowl. The animated, sometimes naughty-mouthed character with a heavy Delaware County accent (think Acme grocery store only say Ack-a-mee) and even heavier lipstick and eye shadow, started as a Facebook sensation

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